Wednesday 20 March 2019

Understanding the importance of water pump safety

Whether you are using sea water pumps, or any other kind of pump, it’s important to remember to take out the extra amount of time for learning about the pump safety. When it comes to submersible water pumps, they do not really seem dangerous. However, if they aren’t fitted & operated properly they can cause personal injury, which at times can be fatal.

Therefore, this blog is devoted towards sharing a few tips on water pump safety. Although, this blog does not include every tip there is to know, but it is intended for reminding you of some of the basic ones.
sea water pumps, dewatering pumps, submersible pumps
Have a look at the following:

1. Owner’s manual

It does not matter whether its seawater pumps, or dewatering pumps, or which brand’s pump you have decided to purchase. Every company out there, has the information on how to operate their own manufactured pumps, that too with the highest level of safety possible. Although you may think that the safety fundamentals are always the same, and it is true, the specifics of it, often differ. This is where it depends on which brand as well as what type of pump you are getting installed. Therefore, you should make sure that you read the owner’s manual provided with the pump & comply with the procedures laid down therein.

2. Safety guards

When you are dealing with water pumps, it is highly crucial to always make sure, that all the safety guards both mechanical as well as electrical, are in place while the pump is being operated. Not only should you make this sure with the safety guards, but also with the shields of the water pump being operated.

3. Control device

All pump manufacturer will advise you to install safety device like control panel along with its pumps. Many a times this suggestion is treated as an optional thing. However, it is advisable not treat this as an option, but to look at it as necessity, as it will help you in long run if there is any malfunction with the pump. Many reputed manufacturers have features which gives you inbuilt protection against Overheating, Mechanical Jamming, Dry running etc, when connected to control panel.

Apart from these three basic tips, there are a few others, that teach to never use a water pump for fluids that it wasn’t designed for, to always keep the pump at least 3 feet away from the walls and other equipment during its operation, to never use a pump in an explosive or flammable surrounding etc.

All in all, beware of the pumping accidents, and stay safe by applying these basic safety tips. For reliable dewatering submersible pumps and other submersible pumps in India, call 9981992833.

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